Home Poland’s $760M cyber security overhaul

Poland’s $760M cyber security overhaul

June 3rd – Poland has announced that it will spend over 3 billion zlotys ($760 million) on cyber security, following an unprecedented nation-state cyber attack.

Krzysztof Gawkowski, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland, says that “Today, Poland is on the frontline of the cyber fight…”

European parliament elections are to be held in Poland on Sunday and authorities are concerned that foreign hegemony could interfere with the vote.

Fake news reality

Fears were intensified on Friday, after a fake news article about military mobilization appeared via the Polish Press Agency (PAP). The article was published twice on Friday; at 2:00pm and again at 2:20pm.

Since the fake story appeared, the Polish Press Agency has set up a special team to review its proceedings.

Russia has dismissed accusations that it is trying to destabilize Poland, asserting that it had no knowledge of the attack on the PAP.

Cyber security insights

As noted previously, Polish authorities are taking steps to fortify the nation’s cyber security defenses and are pursuing a multi-pronged approach.

Regarding disinformation campaigns intended to undermine the democratic process, fact-checking mechanisms and public awareness efforts are being prioritized, helping to counter the spread of fake news.

Organizations that may become victims of similar types of cyber threats are encouraged to adopt a risk-based, prevention-first approach to cyber security; an approach that addresses people, process and technology domains.

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