By Benny Zemmour, Group Manager Cloud Security, Check Point.
Why modern development demands agentless workload protection
In the age of fast-paced software development cycles and complex applications, security must be automated. As such, agentless security solutions have become a de facto standard for many modern organizations wishing to ensure that security is integrated into cloud deployments without hindering developers. This allows security teams to have a comprehensive view, automatically, across the entire cloud without the need to install agents, which helps eliminate blind spots and allows for the quick detection vulnerabilities and compliance issues.
Set yourself free from agent interference
An agentless solution can eliminate the friction between development and security. Instead of having security rely on developers to implement protocols, or requiring developers to slow down for security tests, an agentless deployment option gives you immediate, deep visibility into OS security configuration issues, leaked credentials, and malware on workloads. And it won’t interfere with performance, so everybody stays happy. By leveraging Check Point CloudGuard’s scanning-as-a-service model, you can take full advantage of agentless workload deployment to achieve optimal workload protection.
Let’s take a look at how simple it is to leverage the Agentless Workload Posture (AWP) functionality to secure your workloads.
Here, AWP is feeding its deep analysis findings to the CloudGuard CNAPP platform. AWP examines a host (compute, ec2) for:
- Visibility of vulnerabilities
- Details of exposed credentials
- Visibility of malware within each workload
- OS-level compliance
- Intrusion detection
- File integrity monitoring
CloudGuard also considers open and exposed ports and the level of network exposure: public, private, or hybrid. Threat intelligence correlates these findings with audit activity to deliver a clear, comprehensible risk score:
In the columns shown above, CloudGuard weighs the context provided by AWP to determine the risk level for each cloud asset, such as whether it is running, network exposure, credential leaks, analysis period, and more.
Once AWP is activated, CloudGuard also activates the Effective Risk Management (ERM) dashboard:
This dashboard calculates and displays an overall risk score based on relevant areas of exposure and risk findings provided by AWP’s deep context and threat intelligence, along with other integrated components of CloudGuard’s CNAPP solution.
As part of Check Point’s integrated CloudGuard CNAPP solution, AWP puts you in control of all your systems with an integrated and unified dashboard that makes protection simple.
And all of AWP’s findings are gathered in a single platform so that other CloudGuard security components can take advantage of that intelligence and context to better secure your cloud posture.
Get AWP working for your team
Take back control of your cloud environments with Check Point’s CloudGuard CNAPP solution, including the new Agentless Workload Posture. And, for once, you’ll have something both your developers and security professionals can agree on. Why do they all love AWP so much?
- Developers love AWP because it’s seamless, automated, and has no impact on live workloads, so they can focus on creating features and refining the user experience.
- Security professionals love AWP because it gives them deep insights into the security posture of cloud workload assets, so they can implement guardrails that keep the entire organization on track and compliant.
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