
Cloud security spend increasing, by how much?

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In 2020, worldwide public cloud revenue is expected to increase by 17%. Organizations are pouring money into cloud investments. As these investments take root, organizations are also headed towards staffing challenges and potential security issues.

A large swath of organizations report a shortage of qualified employees when it comes to setting up, maintaining and securing the cloud. One-third of organizations report that this shortage is acute. Under 40% of workplaces offer cyber security teams the training that they need in order to stay ahead of IT risks.

Not only do organizations need specialized skill sets, they also need strong security. Share on X

Existing security protections often show little promise when it comes to protecting against cloud-based threats. Seventy-five percent of decision-makers report feeling “extremely concerned” or “very concerned” about their cloud security.  Nearly 60% anticipate that their organization will substantially increase the cloud security budget within the next 12 months. Cloud security spending is expected to rise by 33% this year, transforming it into a $585 million dollar market.

In order to close the security gaps, enterprises should consider investing in comprehensive cloud security solutions that can offer full visibility into all public cloud environments. These types of solutions can deploy unified, automated cloud-native protections, and can also offer compliance enforcement and event analysis.

For more on protecting the public cloud, visit Tech Republic.

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