
Attacks at a tipping point? Coronavirus foreshadows a cyber pandemic

Cyber security, digital abstract


In recent months, many organizations migrated to new cyber ecosystems and advanced their cyber infrastructure. Interest in cloud computing has skyrocketed. As fundamental operational changes took place, cyber criminals searched for security loopholes, and evolved their attack strategies.

A decade ago, cyber security leaders began to predict a “Cyber Pearl Harbor.” That modeling was largely set aside until now. With new opportunities for attack, especially where security hasn’t kept pace, experts warn of an impending ‘cyber pandemic’.

One global CEO stated that “…the new reality created by the coronavirus pandemic will cause threats in the cybersecurity field to rise, and that countries need to protect themselves against the coming ‘cyber pandemic’.

“We know it will happen, and we need to secure [against] it,” he continued.

In 2003, the infamous Slammer/Sapphire computer worm spread so quickly that in 10 minutes, it had infected 10.8 million technological devices. We may soon see the spread of even worse cyber attacks.

Experts predict that these attacks may take advantage of zero-day exploits, for which patching or security fixes do not yet exist. This is similar to the spread of a disease, like the coronavirus, that doesn’t yet have a cure.

The business impacts of a widespread, fast-moving cyber attack could be devastating. From leaving employees unable to perform their jobs, to financial ruin, to legal consequences, organizations should start thinking about this forecast for the future. Has your organization started to prepare?

For more information on a post-coronavirus cyber pandemic, click here.

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