Your Gmail account is a repository of your online purchasing history, your passwords and other personal information.

“If someone were to access it, they’d effectively have access to the rest of your online identity,” according to CNET.

To improve your account’s security, adhere to these best practices:

  1. Apply the most complex password possible. Also ensure that it’s as lengthy as possible, advises the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
“The extra length of a passphrase makes it harder to crack while also making it easier for you to remember.” While 45D*!aRmo#3!98&768yne8%3 requires brain power, the phrase Happinessisapieceofcake is similarly strong & easy to recall. Share on X
  1. Register for two-factor authentication. Because this six-digit passcode is typically sent to your phone, it’s unlikely that the hacker will be able to access your email account without also accessing your mobile device. However, notably, 2FA is not foolproof. “IM-swap fraud is becoming more common, allowing hackers to take over your phone number and receive 2SV codes meant for you.”

Google does offer the option of sending 2FA messages to an Authenticator app or a password manager.

For those who need to lock down their accounts like Fort Knox, Gmail provides an advanced protection program, making a $50.00 USB-C security key available to you.

Additional information on securing your Gmail account can be found on CNET.com.